Saturday, November 21, 2009

Exercising while wearing the Bodymagic

Exercising is a very important staple in our daily lives. Whether you're vaccumig all the floors in your home, taking the dog for a walk, pushing the babies around town in a stroller, or doing your cardio and weight training at the gym, these activities all have a common denominator. You are exerting some type of motion with your body.

When I started wearing my Bodymagic 3 to 4 days a week, I loved the way I instantly looked as well as how I felt. And the attention wasn't bad either. So, I decided to take my Bodymagic to another level and wear it while exercising. The back support was great and I felt less strain when lifting light weights or doing my pulldowns and pilates.  I recommend going to and purchasing a bodymagic for women and a abdominal T-shirt with the sewn in back support for men and wear it while exercising. You will see the instant hourglass curves and reshaping of the waistline and abdomin area, while watching the pounds melt away like snow. Please feel free to call if you need assistance with sizing before purchasing. Happy exercising to your new Sugabody! Rememer this is a two part system with the bodymagic and the LeVive juice to a healthier looking you

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